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Ardoyne Youth Club
Client Since:
October 2013
Fundready Package:
Ardoyne Youth Club Logo


Ardoyne Youth Club is a registered charity which has been offering youth work provision within the Ardoyne area of North Belfast for over 50 years. The Youth Club offers centre based and targeted youth work provision, which helps to develop young people involved from a personal, social and educational viewpoint.

Ardoyne Youth Club also has a wider role within the community, supporting the development of better community relations, working to reduce youth involvement in criminal activity, working with other agencies and partners to address educational underachievement and supporting young people to deal with the impacts of substance misuse.

Ardoyne Youth Club Team

Our work

S3 Solutions has had a productive working relationship with Ardoyne Youth Club for 8 years. Our support has been funding focussed and we have supported Ardoyne Youth Club to secure over £1.5 million in revenue funding and £500,000 in capital funding. Like many over our clients, our relationship began with work on small scale funding support and evolved over time to supporting Ardoyne Youth Club to secure significant funding and much needed investment for local young people and the community it serves.